Shimadzu releases the LCMS-8060NX liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer

Improve robustness and operability for high-speed, high-sensitivity analysis

1 Jun 2020
Edward Carter
Publishing / Media

Shimadzu has announced the release of the LCMS-8060NX liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer both within Japan and overseas. Together with world-class sensitivity and detection speeds, the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer system promises to offer further improvements in ease-of-use and robustness.

With growing demand in recent years for cost reductions and reimagined workflows, mass spectrometers are expected to offer not only high sensitivity, but also excellent robustness and ease-of-use. The LCMS-8060NX offers higher efficiency over all workflow steps, from sample preparation to data analysis. With the LCMS-8060NX, Shimadzu is offering greater operating efficiency to companies in the pharmaceutical field that need to shorten drug discovery periods or reduce costs, companies in the clinical field that handle complex biological samples, and companies in the food science field involved in investigating residual pesticides, among others.

World-class sensitivity and detection speed

The LCMS-8060NX offers among the highest sensitivity and detection speeds in the world and includes internal mechanical improvements for promoting sample ionization. This enables high-sensitivity analysis even for compounds that are difficult to ionize.

High robustness minimizes downtime

The newly introduced IonFocus unit reduces instrument contamination by guiding ions to the interior more efficiently and removing unwanted components, which helps to prevent decreases in detection accuracy or sensitivity. In addition, more robust components are used in ion-focusing, enabling more reliable analysis. The LCMS-8060NX therefore offers both higher sensitivity analysis and lower downtime.

Excellent ease-of-use for greater workflow efficiency

The system includes various “Analytical Intelligence” features* that maximize analysis throughput and improve the efficiency of the entire workflow, from preparations for analysis through to data processing. For example, the system includes a new ionization unit that is capable of high-sensitivity analysis without the need for complicated adjustments and enables more efficient method development, as well as functions to automatically start up or shut down analytical instruments in combination with a Shimadzu Nexera LC system.

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