Shimadzu’s GCMS-QP2010 Plus for Rapid Analysis of Difficult Samples

28 Nov 2006

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.’s (SSI) GCMS-QP2010 Plus is equipped with three technologies – AART, FASST, and COAST – that make it ideal for characterizing complex organic mixtures in fields from forensics to food and flavors sciences.

  • AART (Automatic Adjustment of Retention Time) automatically identifies and quantifies all compounds after a column change without compromise in analysis parameters, ensuring precision and accuracy of target compounds.
  • FASST (Fast Automated Scan/SIM Technology) enables the GCMS-QP2010 Plus to acquire both Scan and SIM data on one peak. At a data acquisition frequency of 50 data points/second in Scan mode and up to 100 in SIM mode, high-quality results are achieved - fast. FASST achieves superior spectra through high-quality quantitative and qualitative analysis, resulting in accurate library search.
  • COAST (Creation of Automatic SIM (Scan/SIM) Table) allows easy setup of SIM parameters using the SIM table automatic creation function, enabling appropriate parameters to be set automatically when using FASST. Easy setting of compounds and automatic creation of Scan/SIM parameters make high-sensitivity SIM chromatograms simple.

In addition, the GCMS-QP2010 Plus features an extended mass range (1.5 to 1090 m/z) to allow analysis of higher mass compounds, an extended ion source temperature range (from 100º to 300º C) to increase flexibility and reduce maintenance, and dual turbo pumps to increase sensitivity and column flow capacity.

