Shimadzu’s New AOC-6000 Autosampler Makes Automated Sample Introduction Simple and Efficient

20 May 2015
Lauren Edwards

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments today announces the release of its AOC-6000 robotic autosampler, which features new time-saving tools to maximize laboratory productivity. In addition to the standard injection techniques: liquid, headspace, and solid-phase microextraction (SPME), the AOC-6000 features a syringe tool exchanger. This new tool allows users to seamlessly change injection techniques before starting the next injection on the GC/MS.

The new autosampler allows for sample preparation to be completely automated. With the ability to select different volumes and types of syringes, pretreatment by dilution, mixing or the addition of internal standards has never been easier. Additionally, the autosampler performs sample pretreatment and analysis in parallel so no time is lost during continuous analysis. These features not only heighten the efficiency of complicated sample preparation, they also make it possible to prepare multi-point calibration standards from a stock solution and spike each with internal standards.

Shimadzu’s GC/MS software, GCMSsolution, provides direct control of the AOC-6000. The software includes methods for all standard injection techniques as well as some special sample preparation methods.

