Shimadzu to Showcase Full Suite of HPLC Systems and Solutions at HPLC 2008

10 Apr 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Plan to visit with Shimadzu at HPLC 2008 at Booth #401/403/405/407 to see the latest developments in HPLC systems and software. They will be focusing on the Prominence HPLC series of modular components, which can be used for conventional LC, ultra-fast LC, or for situations requiring extra resolution.

Highlights include:

  • Prominence UFLC – Not just about faster performance, Prominence Ultra Fast LC raises total system productivity to new levels by generating high-quality, reproducible data through superior design, engineering and quality
  • Prominence UFLCXR – A new solution to unique challenges that require eXtra Resolution
  • Integrated LC-2010HT HPLC – Offering unparalleled sample capacity, injection speed, and flow rate and gradient concentration accuracy
  • HPLC Front Ends for Mass Spectrometry – Choose from modular components or such turnkey systems as a Biological Analysis System; nano HPLC; 2D HPLC for automated on-line proteomics R&D; a multiplexed system; and Automated Method Development Systems
  • Software Options – Learn the latest software solutions, including our LC Driver for Waters® Empower™ Software, which delivers seamless control of Prominence HPLC/UFLC

