Siemens and ASCP Award 173 Scholarships to Medical Laboratory Students in 2014
14 May 2014
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics and the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) have awarded a combined $180,000 in scholarships to the nation’s top undergraduate and graduate medical laboratory students for the 2013 – 2014 academic year. Since 2003, more than $1.5 million in scholarships have been awarded through the Siemens — ASCP Scholarship Program pursuing bachelor’s or master’s degrees in medical laboratory science or other areas of laboratory medicine.
The Siemens—ASCP Scholarship Program was established to address the nation’s shortage of qualified medical laboratory personnel, defray education costs, and pro-mote the profession. Medical laboratory diagnostics—tests performed on the body’s blood, urine, or tissue samples to obtain critical data used for disease detection, diagnosis and monitoring—is a key healthcare value driver. Spending on laboratory diagnostic tests is only 2 percent of total healthcare costs, yet 70 percent of medical decision making is influenced by medical laboratory test results.1
“We extend our congratulations to all of the scholarship recipients,” said Michael Reitermann, CEO, Siemens Healthcare, Diagnostics Division. “As these outstanding individuals enter the vital profession of diagnostic medicine, they will without a doubt play a critical role in the delivery of quality health care to patients. Siemens is privileged to support them in this endeavor.”
According to a recent ASCP survey, the national average of job vacancy rates for medical laboratory professionals ranges between 4 and 8 percent, depending upon the specific area. However, staffing shortages will continue to significantly challenge laboratories as the bulk of the current workforce is expected to retire within the next decade.2
“In addition to a continuing workforce shortage, laboratories anticipate seeing a greater demand for testing as the U.S. population ages,” said Mark Bailey, MA, HTL(ASCP)CM, Chair of the ASCP Scholarship Committee. “By helping students to pursue their education, the Siemens—ASCP Scholarships addresses this challenge by fostering the next generation of skilled laboratory professionals and leaders.”
Awards are available to eligible students in the U.S. pursuing associate, bachelor, or master’s degrees in medical laboratory science. Special Legacy Scholarships are awarded to students who follow family members into the laboratory profession. Scholarships are awarded by the ASCP, which also administers the program.
1 White L. “Expanding role of RCM, ICD-10, MDx” Medical Laboratory Observer. August 2011. Available at:. Accessed 4/18/14
2 Doig, Kathy. “Future of the Laboratory Workforce: Advance Clinical Practice.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at Accessed 3/4/14.