Siemens Healthcare Launches New ADVIA CentraLink Informatics Product

21 Jul 2008
Kerry Parker

Siemens Healthcare has launched a new version of the ADVIA CentraLink® informatics product that allows clinical laboratory customers to significantly improve workflow, operational efficiency and management of patient data. This new (version 12) software will help to reduce overall costs in the laboratory and also improve the laboratory's support of patient care in their facility. It seamlessly connects multiple diagnostic instruments to a laboratory information system (LIS) in a stand-alone or automation configuration.

"Informatics is one of the fastest moving fields in the clinical laboratory industry. It's a powerful tool for impacting laboratory workflow and helping the laboratory increase quality while still reducing costs," said Eric Olson, vice president, informatics and eBusiness, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics. "The new ADVIA CentraLink software is an important step in advancing customers??ability to automate processes that cost the most time and money. It provides seamless information technology (IT) integration and increases customers' productivity and capacity to the highest level yet."

Some of the new software features include:

  • Ability to connect up to 32 diagnostic instruments, including molecular, and also two ADVIA automation systems -all serviced and supported by one manufacturer - allowing customers to automate more processes than before, save time and reduce costs.
  • Remote connectivity to a single ADVIA CentraLink server enabling hospital networks with multiple laboratory locations to consolidate patient data into one system, and drive consistency through the network.
  • Increased database capacity benefiting high-volume laboratories.
  • New patient data management upgrades benefiting all sizes of laboratories: more delta checking functions, new quality control and autoverification capabilities, enhanced error logging, sample query improvements and enhanced communications with laboratory information systems (LIS).

ADVIA CentraLink supports all ADVIA chemistry, immunochemistry and hematology instruments, and also a molecular, urinalysis and third-party coagulation instrument. Siemens is currently investing in new ADVIA CentraLink versions that are compatible with instruments in the company's recently expanded product portfolio.

