Silica C18 column that operates at Low, Mid and High pH

6 Feb 2007

Fortis Technologies has produced an application note based upon the ability of its Fortis C18 columns to operate across the entire pH range.

Uses of high pH mobile phases provide the option to retain and resolve polar basic analytes normally unretained. High pH also allows higher loadability of basic analytes as well as increasing their sensitivity. In the past silica based phases have been unable to withstand these extremes of pH, hybrid materials expanded this but have limitations.

Fortis C18 is shown to work at Low, Mid and High pH with no loss in efficiency, peak shape or robustness as can occur with hybrids. Due to its unique bonded character it remains stable far above traditional silica C18 phases, without conceding the ability to operate at low and mid pH’s.

You can request this application note or for information about other product solutions ring the technical support team or click 'request info'.

