Simplify Olympus cellSens Workflow

21 Jan 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Olympus announces its Database Solution module for the cellSens Dimension software suite. The module will simplify user workflow management, making it easier to capture, process and securely store images along with a variety of searchable and customisable metadata. With the ability to act as a client-server platform, indexed files and data can be shared across a network, with access and modification rights secured by password protection.

The Olympus cellSens Dimension Database Solution module unlocks the full potential of image data capture. Each image can be stored within a highly structured system hierarchy, making it simple to organise based on classifications such as experiment, project, or job. Data search and retrieval functionality is further enhanced via the inclusion of customisable metadata, while extensive search functions and pre-defined search templates make the process even more accurate and rapid.

As well as providing local database functions, the new module can also integrate with existing network infrastructures to provide a centralised data server based on Microsoft SQL Server Express. In this way, images, data and observations can be shared between users and accessed from any computer that is part of the network. The system is easy to customise and expand, making the addition of new users, workstations or data tags simple, fast and reliable.

