Simultaneous Detection of Apoptotic, Necrotic, and Healthy Cells

18 Nov 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

PromoKine’s Apoptotic/Necrotic/Healthy Cells Detection Kit provides convenient differentiation and quantification of viable (blue), apoptotic (green) and necrotic (red) cells within the same cell population by flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy.

For tagging apoptotic cells, fluorescein labeled Annexin V that binds to the phosphatidylserin exposed on the outer membrane of apoptotic cells is used. In order to mark necrotic cells, Ethidium homodimer III (EthD-III) is utilized. This fluorescent DNA binding substance can enter necrotic cells because of the damaged plasma membrane, but not living or apoptotic cells.

Once in the necrotic cell, it binds to cellular DNA and fluoresces red. Due to its significantly higher fluorescence quantum yield, Ethidium homodimer III is superior to propidium iodide or Ethidium homodimer I. The kit also contains the membrane-permeable, blue fluorescent DNA stain Hoechst 33342 for detecting healthy cells.

