Six Exclusive Clinical Interviews

Our most popular interviews with clinical scientists around the world

28 Apr 2015
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Keep up-to-date with the latest in laboratory diagnostics by reading the exclusive SelectScience interviews with clinicians and laboratory scientists

SelectScience regularly interviews thought-leading scientists from around the world to bring you the latest advances in clinical diagnostics. In this article, we look at the most popular of our recent interviews including discussions on celiac disease, molecular diagnostics in microbiology, and ways of combating the rise of antibiotic resistance.

1. Reducing the Need for Intestinal Biopsy in Suspected Celiac Patients

Gliadin, tissue transglutaminase and endomysial antibodies are markers of celiac disease. Traditionally, assaying for anti-endomysial antibodies was the classic laboratory screening test; however, laboratories are increasingly looking to use automated assays for celiac disease testing. SelectScience spoke to Dr Robert Reinhardt, Medical Director for Thermo Fisher Scientific, about the modern approach to celiac screening.

2. New Weaponry Available in Antimicrobial Resistance Fight: Don’t Send Us Back to the Dark Ages!

The European Antibiotics Awareness Day raised international awareness of antimicrobial resistance beyond Europe to Australia, Canada and the USA. Randox Laboratories announced its support for the call for patients and prescribers to ‘resist and desist’ antibiotic use in an effort to curb the spread of antimicrobial resistance. We spoke to Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director at Randox Laboratories, about the rising use of antibiotics and a new multiplex respiratory assay that could help physicians make improvements to their antibiotic prescriptions.

3. How PointMan™ Testing Kits Could Advance Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics

SelectScience interviewed Dr Ricardo Del Sol, Senior Lecturer at the College of Medicine, Institute of Life Science at Swansea University, UK, about using PointMan™ DNA Enrichment Kits and how working with EKF Diagnostics is leading to new advances in cancer diagnostics.

4. MALDI-TOF and the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory

In this interview, Dr. Robert Jerris, Director of Clinical Microbiology at the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Pediatric Hospital, discusses his experiences in implementing and using the MALDI Biotyper for clinical diagnostics use.

5. Detecting Autologous Blood Transfusion with Clinical Biomarkers

Nicolas Leuenberger, Certifying Scientist at The Swiss Laboratory for Doping Analyses (LAD), a WADA-accredited lab in Lausanne Switzerland, is currently undertaking a research study on methods of identifying illicit use of autologous transfusions. SelectScience spoke to Nicolas to find out more.

6. The Changing Face of the Clinical Microbiology Lab: Introducing IRIDICA

IRIDICA is the new infectious disease diagnostics platform from Abbott. We spoke to Rangarajan Sampath, PhD, Senior Director of R&D, Ibis Biosciences, Abbott. Rangarajan was one of the founders of Ibis Biosciences more than 18 years ago and has been involved in the development of IRIDICA since its inception.

