Solutions for Imaging and Intelligent Image Analysis from Genetix at Arablab 2011

25 Feb 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Learn more about Genetix's recently released ClonePix™2 system. This system utilizes fluorescence and white light imaging and advanced image analysis capabilities to automatically screen more clones in less time, select cells with optimal expression levels and pick colonies with accuracy and confidence.

The original ClonePix FL systems are used in over one hundred biopharmaceutical organizations and research laboratories to provide faster, more productive workflows than conventional techniques. Often employed to reduce cell line/antibody development times, data from these systems are cited increasingly in scientific literature and conferences, an indication of acceptance within the industry.

The most frequently applied approach to monitor expression levels takes advantage of specific chemistries developed by Genetix to enable label-free quantification of secreted proteins – a significant advantage when screening and selecting cell lines for production of biotherapeutics such as monoclonal antibodies.

To find out more visit booth 847.

