Spark Holland’s Reliance™ autosampler proves to be a true bio-injector

24 May 2007

Spark Holland has been operating at the forefront of autosampler design for 25 years. They evolved into a leading OEM autosampler supplier and the leading on-line SPE provider. Spark’s Symbiosis SPE system is used around the world for biological sample processing. An essential part of this system is the Reliance autosampler that is also being used by customers as a stand-alone version for bioanalysis.

Due to many enthusiastic responses about the carry-over performance, Spark will now start promoting the Reliance as a stand-alone autosampler. In many cases customers have decided to run the more challenging compounds on the Reliance so that they do not waste valuable time on reducing autosampler carry-over. Several head to head carry-over comparisons with other autosamplers have indeed shown the Reliance being the top performing autosampler.

A recent comparison was performed by Nicholas Deagon at Charles River Laboratories, Preclinical Services Montreal who concludes: “Our evaluation of the Reliance, both in LC and on-line extraction modes, demonstrated this autosampler to have the potential to surpass the carry-over performance of other popular autosamplers used in the field of quantitative bioanalysis.” Other examples of head to head comparisons show similar results.

With the Reliance autosampler Spark is aiming for customers looking for an autosampler that meets the performance standards required in bioanalysis today. Especially with the increasing detection limits of MS systems, carry-over performance of the autosamper has become even more important. To support the promotion of the Reliance, several instruments will be made available that can be used as demo units for testing at the customer’s site. For more information about the Reliance visit the article webpage.

