SPEX CertiPrep 6770 Freezer/Mill®

18 Jul 2006
Kerry Parker

The 6770 Freezer/Mill is the next generation in our line of cryogenic mills, complete with state of the art electronics, including: touch screen interface, a removable control panel and on board self-diagnostics.

These mills are used on samples normally considered difficult or impossible to grind at ambient temperatures: polymers, wood, bone, hair, rubber, plant and animal tissue, etc. The Freezer/Mill embrittles samples by immersing the grinding vial in liquid nitrogen, and then pulverizes them with a magnetically driven impactor. Low temperatures are retained throughout, preserving structural and compositional aspects degraded or volatilized during room temperature grinding.

The Freezer/Mill has unlimited applications, including preparation of samples for: DNA/RNA extraction from plant and animal tissue, recent or ancient skeletal material, trace-element analysis of hair, screening of asbestos containing materials, pharmaceutical research, diffraction studies of soft materials, food analysis, ceramics and glass and RoHS applications, etc. Please contact our “grind” specialists to discuss your applications and to find out more about our free grinding and demo programs.

