Spring 2007 edition of CAMAG Bibliography Service for TLC available

26 Apr 2007

The new CAMAG Bibliography Service CBS 98 with over 100 abstracts of recent publications, demonstrating the flexibility of Thin-Layer Chromatography, has been released.

CBS 98 puts emphasis on Planar Chromatography as an essential component of modern analysis. Featured is for example a method for identification of toxic unknowns in water using HPTLC/MS coupling. CBS is free of charge! The updated Cumulative CBS (entire collection of all past abstracts!) can be downloaded for free from CAMAG's website following the link www.camag.com/CCBS.

CAMAG Laboratory, the center for applied High Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) has now its own website (accessed via the article webpage). Results of basic and applied research projects are available through the new website. To further share knowledge with customers a portfolio of services including feasibility studies, development and validation of methods, contract analysis and training has been established.

