STRmix team launches FaSTR DNA to rapidly analyze DNA profiles

Designed by scientists for scientists, FaSTR DNA expedites the analysis of raw data generated by genetic analyzers and standard profiling kits

23 Jun 2020
Cameron Smith-Craig
Cameron Smith-Craig
Pharma and Applied Sciences Editor

The team that created STRmix™ – sophisticated forensic software used to resolve mixed DNA profiles previously thought to be too complex to interpret – is launching FaSTR™ DNA, expert forensic software that rapidly analyzes DNA profiles and assigns a Number of Contributors (NoC) estimate.

Designed by scientists for scientists, FaSTR™ DNA expedites the analysis of raw data generated by genetic analyzers and standard profiling kits. It does this by combining an intuitive, user-friendly graphical interface with easily understandable and laboratory-customizable rules.

FaSTR™ DNA also implements the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) for peak classification independent of and in parallel to the forensic analyst.

“STR DNA profiling analysis is a process of identifying alleles at highly variable sites on the chromosome,” explains Dr. Meng-Han Lin, Senior Scientist, STRmix Team.

Recognizing the need for speed, accuracy, and simplicity, particular attention has been paid in developing FaSTR™ DNA to simplifying the analysis procedure. Doing so enables reliable results to be achieved with minimum effort.

FaSTR™ DNA’s built-in Number of Contributors (NoC) estimator allows seamless integration with STRmix™ (when in use) for even greater speed and efficiency in analysis and interpretation of complex mixed DNA profiles.

FaSTR™ DNA works by applying a set of fully configurable rules to analyze most DNA profiles automatically. Because DNA analysis is so complex and the rules cannot resolve all profiles without the intervention of a DNA analyst, however, FaSTR™ DNA signals when human intervention is required. It then records and highlights changes made by the analyst. FaSTR™ DNA’s analysis algorithms are conceptually adapted from the proven approach of OSIRIS DNA (National Center for Biotechnology Information).

In its early release phase, FaSTR™ DNA will be available only to select STRmix™ users. Sales to a wider audience are expected to be available in the near future.

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