Study results confirm ability of T-SPOT®.TB to detect tuberculosis disease in HIV infected patients

6 Apr 2010

Oxford Immunotec Ltd, the T cell measurement company, has today announced the outcome of a recent study performed at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London.

The results of the study which were presented to the 12th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association meeting in Brighton (29th March-April 1st) confirmed that the Company’s T-SPOT.TB test is able to detect tuberculosis in HIV patients whose immune systems are severely compromised. These data confirm previously reported results from several other studies confirming that T-SPOT.TB performs well even in patients whose CD4 T cell count is less than 200 cells/ìl. The study also confirmed the ability of T-SPOT.TB to be used as a ‘rule-out’ test for TB infection in HIV patients.

Commenting on the reported findings, Peter Wrighton-Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Oxford Immunotec said “This study confirms previously published results by other groups and firmly establishes T-SPOT.TB as the only test for latent Tuberculosis infection to have consistently demonstrated efficacy in HIV infected patients with low CD4 T cell counts”.

