Syrris Launches Asia Automated Reagent Injector at ACS

Fully automated, high performance reagent injection

31 Aug 2016
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

Syrris launched its Asia Automated Reagent Injector at the 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition in Philadelphia, USA, from the 21st to the 25th of August. This latest innovation is designed for use with Asia flow chemistry systems, enabling fully automated experiments with multiple reagents.

Driven by the Asia Syringe Pump module, the compact Asia Automated Reagent Injector offers high performance, fully automated sample injection via two independent channels, allowing complex matrixed libraries to be synthesized.

Gas blanketing provides the inert sampling conditions required for safe handling of air and moisture sensitive reagents and, with sample pre-pressurization up to 20 bar, dispersion and pressure drops during reactions can be avoided, enabling even very small volumes to be injected. For maximum flexibility, sample loops from 0.1 to 10 ml are available, as well as a selection of removable racks for 2, 8 and 40 ml vials.

Complete process automation is provided by connection to the Asia Manager PC Software, enabling sophisticated multiple sample injections and experiments to be performed, including key applications such as synthetic library generation, reagent screening, reaction optimization, kinetic and degradation studies, and LogD screening.

