Take Control of Your Exothermic Reactions

The DrySyn® SnowStorm ONE from Asynt is designed to provide reliable temperature control of exothermic reactions

3 Feb 2017
Weylan Kiam-Laine

The affordably priced DrySyn® SnowStorm ONE accommodates single standard round-bottomed reaction flasks from 50ml to 1000ml. Interchange of reaction flasks is easy and takes just seconds without disrupting the circulation fluid as is required when using expensive jacketed reaction vessels.

Operated with a suitable recirculating thermostat system, the DrySyn® Snowstorm ONE allows you to precisely set and control reaction temperature anywhere between -30 and +160C. The ability to precisely control a temperature ramp makes it particularly of interest to polymorph studies. Optional insulation helps to improve performance and keep the apparatus ice free when operating sub-zero.

The stable controlled performance of the DrySyn® SnowStorm ONE means that even overnight reactions can be performed with complete confidence. Independent tests have shown that exothermic chemistries are safer and better controlled than when using an ice bath.

The DrySyn® SnowStorm ONE is offered with a choice of magnetic hotplate stirrer or with an overhead stirrer when more viscous samples are encountered.

For further information on the DrySyn® Snowstorm ONE please visit www.asynt.com/product/drysynsnowstormone/ or contact Asynt on +44-1638-781709 / enquiries@asynt.com.

