TaqMan<sup>®</sup> MicroRNA Megaplex™ Products

23 Jun 2008

The TaqMan® MicroRNA MegaPlex products consist of three new molecular tools designed to streamline the workflow for microRNA (miRNA) analysis, address the needs of researchers working with minute amounts of RNA, and provide broad, up-to-date coverage of known miRNAs expressed in biological samples from humans, mice, and rats.

The Megaplex™ RT Primers consist of high complexity pools of novel stem-looped reverse transcriptase (RT) primers that reduce the number of RT reactions needed to profile miRNA expression. The optional Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers enable pre-amplification of starting RNA material when sensitivity is of the utmost importance. Incorporation of pre-amplification reduces the total RNA input needed to perform an analysis to as little as one nanogram. The TaqMan® MicroRNA Arrays are microfluidics cards containing TaqMan MicroRNA Assays that enable rapid and reproducible generation of real-time PCR data for hundreds of miRNA targets in parallel.

