Tecan offers Flexible Drug Discovery Solutions with the MultiChannel Arm™ 384 and TouchTools™ at ELRIG

31 Aug 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Tecan provides innovative flexible and reliable liquid handling technologies to drug discovery laboratories, bringing improved efficiency and process security to almost any life sciences workflow. Find out more at this year's ELRIG and learn how the Freedom EVO® platform provides you with the tools needed to automate laboratory research and how the MultiChannel Arm 384 offers flexibility and speed for compound management and screening with on-the-fly exchange between a variety of tip formats.

The optional gripper module can be used to move labware. Instant Pipetting is a unique, patent pending module for direct, real-time control of pipetting workstations through an easy-to-use touchscreen, without the user needing any previous knowledge of programming. This allows the user to perform common pipetting operations, like sample distribution, reagent addition and serial dilution in an easy and interactive way. Even without programming skills or a pre-defined script, the user can immediately start pipetting.

