Temperature Control and Power Transfer

7 Jan 2008

Making a decision on the best temperature control system for an application based on cooling/heating power and temperature range is a mistake. The decision should be based on the ability to control temperature.

An understanding of the factors that contribute to good temperature control is essential in order to make an informed decision. Good temperature control depends on the efficiency of thermal transfer. The more efficient the thermal transfer the faster the temperature can be changed (or ramped). It takes little skill to build a machine to generate cooling power. Generating power from small plants and TRANSFERING that power to the application is the key to an efficient temperature control system. The diagram below compares the performance under identical conditions of two temperature control systems. One unit generates 1Kw @ 20°C while the second generates 1.2kW @ 20°C yet it is the 1kW system that performs the best in catching and controlling a simulated exothermic reaction. Heat transfer fluid (HTF) flow rates, HTF pressure and the surface area of surfaces through which heat flows play vital roles in the transfer of power. Ignoring these factors is like ignoring the clutch, gearbox and tyres that transfer the power of an engine into the speed of a motor car.

For free expert advice from the leaders in temperature control technology please contact us.

