Thar Technologies Launches New Analytical SFC Brochure

9 Mar 2006

Thar Technologies, Inc. announced today the launch of its new, full-color analytical supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) brochure.

The new brochure features Thar’s entire line of SFC products, including those systems with the optional integration of a Waters® Micromass® ZQ™ (MassLynx™ /OpenLynx).

Thar's line of analytical SFC systems features high throughput and resolution combined with faster separations for meeting demanding separation and fraction collection needs. The systems utilize CO2 as the mobile phase, with the option of a co-solvent, which enables faster equilibration, lower pressure drop and reduced solvent usage. Furthermore, the analytical systems are designed to operate at pressures approaching 400 bar for either gradient or isocratic separations.

