The Automated Sampling Viscotek HT-GPC System from Malvern Instruments

16 Aug 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

The Viscotek HT-GPC system requires no user intervention for sample filtering and is specified for safe, routine operation at the high temperatures (160oC) necessary for analyzing polyethylene and polypropylene. It measures absolute molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, and polymer chain branching in just a single experiment.

The full triple detector configuration includes refractive index (RI), viscometry and low angle light scattering (LALS) detection. Together these detectors provide absolute molecular weight without extrapolation or correction, molecular size, intrinsic viscosity and branching information. Three other detector configurations are also available: RI alone, RI and LALS, and RI and viscometer.

With its modular design it enhances flexibility, reliability and ease of maintenance. All configurations use the new Vortex autoprep/autosampler for sample preparation and delivery. This unit consists of an integrated autosampling device and heated mulitvial stirrer that dissolves and automatically injects the sample, eliminating the need for manual hot sample transfer.

Advanced OmniSEC software drives the new system. OmniSEC has full polymer branching calculations capability and an intuitive Branching View function that simplifies the study of long chain branching.

