The Breath Biopsy Conference 2023

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19 Jul 2023
Lawrence Howes
Editorial Assistant
Breath biopsy conference 2023
The Breath Biopsy Conference 2023 (BBCon23) is taking place from October 31 to November 1 and will be hosted online, meaning those from any time zone can join for free, with registration now open. The ultimate goal of breath research is the development of non-invasive clinical tests as diagnostic and monitoring tools for many different disease areas. This approach can provide almost real-time metabolic information from a patient and has the high potential to revolutionize current diagnostic and monitoring capabilities for precision medicine and early detection. BBCon is an annual event that highlights the latest advances in the field of breath research through expert talks, poster sessions, and discussions. At last year’s conference, there was a record number of poster submissions, and the event was joined by almost 300 attendees from 69 countries around the world. If you would like to get involved and discuss your science with the global community of breath biomarker experts, you can submit main session abstracts before the closing date of August 1. You would need to give a 20-minute presentation on one of the two main themes: applications of breath analysis or advances in technologies in breath analysis. This will be followed by a five-minute Q&A session. Abstracts for early careers and poster sessions are also being accepted. The early career session is open to anyone who is below eight years from the date of the award of their PhD, or other professional training. You would need to give a 10–15-minute presentation, followed by a five–minute Q&A session.  To learn more about incorporating breath biomarkers into your research, contact Owlstone Medical. Want the latest science news straight to your inbox? Become a SelectScience member for free today>>

