The HPLC conference will celebrate its 50th edition in 2020

The conference will feature strong scientific content and world-renowned experts presenting discoveries, best practices, techniques, and applications

7 Feb 2020
Sophie Ball
Publishing / Media

Mark your calendar to attend HPLC 2020 on June 20-25, 2020 in beautiful San Diego, CA, USA, along the dramatic Pacific coastline. The HPLC conference will celebrate its 50th edition in 2020 and has grown to become one of the largest and most visible international conference series dedicated to all aspects of liquid-phase separation science and analysis, including chromatography, mass spectrometry, and electrophoresis.

Five days of exciting science and innovative talks at one of the largest, most recognized international conference and exposition in the world of liquid-phase separation science and analysis, including chromatography, mass spectrometry, and electrophoresis. The program will also include exciting new programs of the emerging areas, such as oligonucleotides, peptides, gene and cell therapies, and new drug modalities, as well as roundtable sessions, such as the 2D-LC session led by Dwight Stoll and a panel of experts to discuss, Q&A with users.

A list of the featured speakers can be found here.

The program will comprise of 45+ general and parallel oral sessions packed with invited and contributed talks, presentations by exciting young scientists, Poster Gallery within the exhibition hall featuring hundreds of scientific posters and opportunities to interact directly with poster authors and presenters, Best Poster competition with cash awards, YouTube video contest with cash awards, competition with cash awards where Slammers will compete on the Separation Science Stage, vendor-sponsored technical workshops, 15 practical educational short courses, tutorials that will provide outstanding opportunities for newcomers to obtain a solid foundation in the field and for veterans to update their knowledge, and an abundance of networking opportunities and lively discussions throughout the program and during breaks, mixers, reception in the exhibition hall, and fun social events. Meanwhile, the major exposition will showcase the latest and greatest in instrumentation, software, tools, accessories, and consumables. Throughout the exhibition hall you will find new and innovative products, new product launches, groundbreaking technologies, and experts in the booths who will be available to discuss challenges and offer solutions that you will be able to take back to your lab.

To attend the conference register here.

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