The Human Validated Kinase siRNA Set

28 Jan 2006

QIAGEN has announced the development of the first-ever functionally tested set of siRNAs targeting human kinase genes.

siRNAs in the Human Validated Kinase siRNA Set V1.0 have been experimentally verified by stringent real-time RT-PCR analysis to provide at least 70% target gene knockdown. RNAi screening with the Human Validated Kinase siRNA Set eliminates the possibility of false-negative results and gives the researcher total confidence that the maximum number of positive hits has been achieved.

The Human Validated Kinase siRNA Set is available in a range of formats and scales to suit every lab’s research requirements. The set is provided in 100 pmol, 0.25 nmol, or 1 nmol scales, and subsets for tyrosine kinases and serine/threonine kinases are also available, making RNAi screening more flexible and affordable than ever before.

Kinases form one of the largest gene families in humans. As well as mediating most signal transduction activity, they also control many cellular processes such as cell proliferation and differentiation, metabolism, cell mobility, and apoptosis. Kinases are attractive drug targets as their dysfunction can result in a variety of diseases. The Human Validated Kinase siRNA Set will enable faster and better-targeted research into development of safer and more effective drugs. For more information about the Human Validated Kinase siRNA Set and other siRNA sets from QIAGEN, visit

