The New 2007 Catalogue!

31 Jul 2007

Scie-Plas has launched its comprehensive new catalogue for all your electrophoresis needs: whether it’s a gel tank for a specific application, a gel documentation system or chemicals and buffers.

Contents include:

  • Full technical specification for every product, with recommended running conditions and useful protocols for specific applications
  • New dedicated units for...

2-D electrophoresis

Fast, 96-well separation of PCR products

Cellulose acetate electrophoresis

Single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE)

Parallel denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)

  • And the latest products from our partners...

Techne thermal cyclers

Biostep transilluminators

SERVA electrophoresis chemicals, plus precast gels and IPG strips

To download the full 4mb catalogue, please view the article webpage or contact Scie-Plas.

