The New PD10 Family of Clean-Up Desalting Columns – Replace Guesswork with Science

4 Mar 2008

The new PD MultiTrap™ G-25 96-well plate format and PD SpinTrap™ G-25 spin columns addresses flexible high throughput desalting applications and are designed for the small scale preparation of protein samples prior to such techniques as electrophoresis, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. The PD MiniTrap™ G-10, designed for the desalting, buffer exchange and clean-up of peptides, small proteins and oligosaccharides is ideal for the removal of salts, dyes and radioactive labels with sample volumes from 100 – 300µl.

  • A complete solution for desalting providing high reproducibility, yield and purity
  • Expanded range of desalting and buffer exchange columns for optimal sample preparation for proteins and peptides
  • Covers a sample range from 2.5 ml to 70µl for desalting, buffer exchange and salt removal
  • Optimization and customization of protocols and methodologies to the demands of the protein and downstream techniques
  • Avoids dilution of the sample with the new spin protocol

All formats utilize the properties of the well proven technology of either Sephadex™ G-25 or Sephadex G-10.

Visit the article webpage for more information.

