Thermo Fisher Scientific Announces New Additions to Enhance its Hypersil GOLD Range of HPLC Columns

11 Feb 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, announces the launch of extensions to its flagship range of Hypersil GOLD™ HPLC columns. To complement the already extensive range, Hypersil GOLD columns will now also be available in a phenyl phase, increasing the Hypersil GOLD range of selectivities for RP (reversed phase) chromatography. In addition to the introduction of the phenyl phase, the existing Hypersil GOLD C8 and CN phases (until now only available with 3 µm and 5 µm particle size) will now also be available with 1.9 µm particle size.

The new Hypersil GOLD Phenyl stationary phase contains a butyl linker for superior alignment with aromatic molecules, allowing for enhanced pi-pi interactions thus increasing the retention of these aromatic molecules. The butyl linker also imparts moderate hydrophobicity making the columns ideal for the separation of analyte mixtures with varying polarity and aromaticity. Because Hypersil GOLD Phenyl columns are based upon the same high purity silica, the outstanding peak shape and sensitivity delivered by Hypersil GOLD is achieved with the phenyl phase. Hypersil GOLD Phenyl columns are available with 1.9 μm, 3 μm and 5 μm particle sizes.

By offering the Hypersil GOLD C8 and CN phases with 1.9 µm particle size, all Hypersil GOLD columns are now available with 1.9 µm, 3 µm and 5 µm particle size, making method transfer to U-HPLC systems, such as the Thermo Scientific Accela™ High Speed LC, even more convenient. The expanded range of Hypersil GOLD columns offers chromatographers even more flexibility in choosing the correct column whether they are using conventional or ultra-high pressure LC systems.

