Thermo Fisher Scientific Combines EDS, WDS and EBSD for the First Time for Microanalysis

28 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. launches the QuasOr EBSD, an option for its all-in-one microanalysis solution, NORAN System 7. The new system is an industry first combining Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy (WDS) capabilities in a single software interface. Thermo Scientific QuasOr is fully integrated into the NORAN System 7 microanalysis platform, ensuring ease-of-use for new users already familiar with EDS and WDS and providing a single interface for the simultaneous collection of EBSD, EDS and WDS.

EBSD determines the crystal structure of samples in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). It also allows crystallographic mapping of complex materials and minerals to characterize its texture, making it invaluable when processing samples such as alloys, ceramics or when analyzing geological materials. While collecting the EBSD data, EDS and WDS can be used to simultaneously determine the chemistry of samples. The Thermo Scientific QuasOr is part of the NORAN System 7 and provides high speed EBSD mapping with simultaneous data collection of WDS and EDS spectral images. This combined system improves speed, productivity and reporting as data collection, analysis and report generation can be done without switching between programs.

Mike Jost, vice president and general manager of molecular spectroscopy and microanalysis Thermo Fisher Scientific, comments: “With the launch of the Thermo Scientific QuasOr EBSD, the industry can for the first time combine the use of EBSD, WDS and EDS platforms in one system. The aim is to enable users to better characterize samples by generating chemical and structural data simultaneously. This new integrated approach to microanalysis is designed to make the technique simpler for scientists to perform and to result in time savings and increased productivity in laboratories worldwide.”
