Thermo Fisher Scientific Launches ConFlo IV Universal Interface for Continuous Flow Isotope Ratio MS

5 Jul 2007

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today introduced the Thermo Scientific ConFlo IV Universal Interface for GC, LC and elemental analyzer coupled with isotope ratio mass spectrometers. The ConFlo IV enables immediate switching between as many as three sample preparation devices to significantly reduce idle time while increasing sample throughput. Strengthening Thermo Fisher Scientific’s position as leader in isotope ratio mass spectrometry, the ConFlo IV provides a low cost of ownership, enabling more analytical scientists to benefit from the accuracy of isotope ratio mass spectrometry in their studies.

The Thermo Scientific ConFlo IV Universal Interface incorporates the new smartEA™ mode that for the first time allows automated pre-evaluation and adjustment of sample gas intensities, improving the ease of operation for all users. Additionally, the flexible computer controlled auto-dilution of sample and reference gases enhances the long-term stability and robustness of all applications. The software also controls the stand-by and start-up of Thermo Scientific TRACE GC and Flash EA modes, leading to substantial reduction in operation costs.

Designed for productivity, the ConFlo IV Universal Interface provides fully automated adjustment of the dynamic range for all elements applied. The new design aids scientists in commercial, industrial and research laboratories who need to couple LC, GC and elemental analyzers to isotope ratio mass spectrometers for applications in forensics, food and beverage authentification, sports doping, environmental and climate research as well as geochemical analyses.

