Thermo Introduces Comprehensive GC/MS Data Review and Reporting Packages for Environmental, Food Safety, Toxicology and Forensic Laboratories

20 Sept 2006

Thermo Electron Corporation, the world leader in analytical instrumentation, has developed two new versions of its reporting software packages, EnviroLab™ Forms 2.0 and ToxLab™ Forms 2.0.

Designed to work with Thermo’s suite of GC/MS instruments, including the new DSQ™ II system, these exciting new software packages offer scientists workflow-oriented approaches to GC/MS analyses. Both packages were developed to allow users to move step-by-step through environmental, food safety, toxicology or forensic analyses, increasing confidence and productivity.

Thermo’s novel software solutions provide a logical pathway for the analyst to proceed from sample to result. Every aspect of sample data flow, from method creation and quality control management to batch generation and through data review and reporting, is accessed within the program. Data integrity is also built in to EnviroLab Forms 2.0 and ToxLab Forms 2.0, ensuring accurate and secure results.

Thermo’s new EnviroLab Forms 2.0 software adds a powerful productivity engine to Xcalibur™ software, which comes standard with Thermo’s benchtop GC/MS systems. EnviroLab Forms 2.0 incorporates specific enhancements for environmental and food safety methodologies to provide a comprehensive system encompassing data acquisition, processing, review and reduction, and reporting. Both the new and experienced user will find tools to automatically generate complete data sets, while also providing the ability to perform sophisticated data review and reporting when necessary. A broad selection of industry-compliant reports allows the environmental GC/MS user to easily report sample results.

Designed for toxicology and forensic laboratories, Thermo’s new ToxLab Forms 2.0 software offers numerous reporting options, including basic sample confirmation reports and calibration reports. Reports can be generated in real time, through batch reprocessing, or on a sample-by-sample basis. Integrated data review allows users to evaluate quantitative results, spectral data, and peak integrations on a sample-to-sample and compound-to-compound basis. If needed, reprocessing single samples or entire batches is accomplished through a simple click of a button.

Both EnviroLab Forms 2.0 and ToxLab Forms 2.0 simplify data review and QC management by flagging out of range values for follow-up. Comprehensive batch summary reports offer batch-at-a-glance data reviewing. Smart Reporting ensures that any changes affecting integration and quantification are made real-time and propagate throughout the batch. Both programs facilitate integration of Thermo’s GC/MS systems with laboratory information management systems (LIMS), and both software packages support paperless operation through generation of electronic reports.

