Thermo Launches New Gas Introduction System for Increased Laboratory Safety and Reduced Analysis Time

26 Mar 2006

Thermo Electron Corporation announces the launch of its innovative new EGM II gas introduction module.

Designed to enable the safe and reproducible introduction of gas and liquefied gas samples, the module achieves enhanced accuracy of Total Chlorine, Total Sulfur and Total Nitrogen analyses. The new user-friendly, multi-element EGM II switches from gas to liquefied gas at the flick of a switch without the need for tools while the complete calibration range can be set up using just one calibration gas and utilizing semi-automatic multiple injection sequence. This novel analytical solution allows laboratories to save time, reduce costs and increase safety and is specifically suited to the needs of QC laboratories in petrochemical and chemical refineries for fast, precise and reliable results.

For both gas and liquefied gas applications, the sample loop can be filled and injected automatically up to 99 times in a single measurement cycle. This semi-automatic multiple injection sequencing reduces costs and addresses safety concerns by removing the need for handling multiple gases to set up a calibration curve. In addition, this novel instrument is equipped with pressure and temperature regulators ensuring reproducible injection volumes resulting in high accuracy analysis.

While being flexible and user-friendly, Thermo’s EGM II is also robust enough for high throughput environments. Furthermore, the new EGM II enables compliance with the strict requirements for lower Sulfur specifications in automotive fuels.

The standalone EGM II system is supplied with its tubing to enable simple connection to Thermo’s ECS 1200/3000, TN/TS/TX 3000 and SphiNCX combustion elemental analyzers. The EGM II can be enhanced with the addition of a fast connector for safe and easy sampling of gas and liquefied gas bombs as well as coating of the tubing to minimize memory effects at low concentrations.
