Thermo Scientific features Accela™ – HPLC and U-HPLC in one, efficient, limitless system

5 Dec 2006

Thermo Scientific, the world leader in analytical instrumentation, introduces its new Accela™ high speed liquid chromatography system. Accela optimizes sub two-micron column particle technology to deliver fast, efficient chromatographic separations from conventional HPLC pressures on up to 15,000 psi.

Accela features a quaternary pump with 65 microliters of dead volume, assuring rapid transfer of even the most complex gradients from the pump to the column. Isothermal injection and separation provide superior reproducibility by eliminating all external environmental influences to the chromatography. Accela, coupled with the Hypersil GOLD™ 1.9 micron columns from Thermo Scientific, provides fast, controlled separations with high efficiency and resolution, accelerating LC and LC/MS applications.

Ready for use as a standalone analytical HPLC or fully integrated LC/MS, Accela enables users to achieve shorter run times with excellent peak symmetry and superior data quality.

Accela, designed for high speed LC and improved peak efficiency, is perfectly suited for quantitative work that requires maximum sensitivity and increased throughput.

Accela seamlessly integrates with the Thermo Scientific world-class mass spectrometers for a complete LC/MS solution and has a wide variety of column compatibility. It is designed to meet the analytical needs of both LC and LC/MS users working in drug development, discovery, QA/QC, academics, and food and beverage laboratories

New Featured Application:
Use of Small Particles in Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
