TissueView™ Software for mass spectrometry imaging

17 Apr 2008

Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX has released TissueView™ Software to improve mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) by making data processing more intuitive and delivering easier-to-interpret research results, providing deeper understanding of how drugs and proteins are distributed within biological tissue.

The new TissueView application gives researchers a better way to process, visualise and interpret information that can help pharmaceutical companies to select appropriate drug compounds for development, and help academic researchers to learn more about biological functions and advance molecular histology. TissueView is particularly useful for large MSI studies across multiple platforms and will process data from Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX’s Voyager DE-STR, QSTAR® Elite System, 4700 Proteomics Discovery System and 4800 MALDI TOF/TOF™ Analyzer platforms.

