Tools and Equipment for Cell Culture: ISSCR Stem Cell Focus

5 Jun 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

In addition to being a global leader in consumable glass and plastic laboratory tools for life science research, Corning continues to lead the way in Cell Culture innovation with the development and production of the HYPERFlask® Cell Culture Vessel for increased cell yields, and novel surfaces such as our Ultra-Low Attachment Surface for spheroid and tumor culture, Osteo Assay Surface for osteogenesis research, the Corning CellBIND® Surface for enhanced assay performance, and our most recent animal-free Corning Synthemax™ Surface for stem cell culture.

For more information, visit the Corning Booth no. 700.

Novel Synthetic, Xeno-Free Surface for Expansion and Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells in Serum-Free Media

Synthetic Surface for Long-Term Culture of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Serum-Free, Xeno-Free Conditions

The Corning Synthemax Surface: A Synthetic, Xeno-Free Surface for Long-Term Self-Renewal of Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Defined Media

The Corning Synthemax Surface: A Complete Solution for Recovery, Expansion, and Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Use of a Novel Synthetic Surface for the Derivation, Proliferation and Differentiation of iPS Cells and Their Progeny

We describe the use of the Corning Synthemax Surface to support mouse and human iPS cells during reprogramming and proliferation stages, as well as through the process of differentiation into retinal neurons. Compared to extracellular matrix-coated surfaces, plating on the Corning Synthemax Surface resulted in enhanced cellular adhesion. The Corning Synthemax Surface provides an ideal surface for the xeno-free production, culture, and differentiation of adult mouse and human fibroblast derived iPSCs. These findings demonstrate the potential utility of this surface for the production of clinical grade retinal neurons for transplantation and induction of retinal regeneration.

Michael J. Young, PhD, Associate Professor, Ophthalmology , Associate Scientist, SERI
Harvard Medical School
Date: Thursday, June 16th
Time: 11:45 am -12:15 pm
Room: 714 A/B

For further information on new products for Cell Culture visit the company article page.

