Top 5 Nanomaterial Applications and Analyses

19 Oct 2014
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

1. Single Particle Analysis of Nanomaterials Using the Agilent 7900 ICP-MS

This application note evaluates the performance of the Agilent 7900 ICP-MS for the measurement of individual NP peak signals. The 7900 ICP-MS features a new orthogonal detector system that has a fast integration time of 100 µs, zero settling time between TRA readings, and an overall acquisition speed in TRA mode that is 30x faster than the 7700x, permitting fast transient signal measurement.

2. Automated Particle Size with Zetasizer NanoSampler from Malvern Instruments

Watch this video to learn about the Zetasizer NanoSampler from Malvern. This sample delivery system ensures highly precise and reproducible automated loading of samples into your Zetasizer Nano for particle size measurements. The NanoSampler adds automation and unattended operation in a versatile, compact package, maximizing the productivity of your Zetasizer Nano.

3. Analysis of NIST® Gold Nanoparticles Reference Materials Using the NexION 300 ICP-MS in Single Particle Mode

This application note explores the capability of modern ICP-MS to measure the key characteristics of metal manufactured nanoparticles. ICP-MS is rapidly becoming the elemental measurement technique of choice for assessing the manufacturing and environmental lifecycle of engineered nanoparticles.

4. Determining the Amount of Bound Water in Self-Adsorbed Polymer Layers on Different Surfaces by Combination of SPR and QCM

This application note demonstrates how a combination of SPR and QMC can be used to measure the amount of bound water in interfacial layers. The same type of experiments can be used to estimate the kinetics of adsorption.

5. Fabricating Metallic Nanoclusters for Use in Photonics, Medical and Electronic Applications

NanoInk has harnessed the ability of Dip Pen Nanolithography® (DPN®) technology to deposit materials with nanoscale precision in order to develop a technique for fabricating metallic nanoclusters. In this application note, NanoInk’s nanolithography systems were used to pattern sub-micron sized droplets of a mixture of metal salt in P2VP-PEO onto a SiO2substrate.

