Two New Microdialysis Systems from ESA Biosciences Enable Researchers To Achieve Greater Sensitivity More Rapidly and Efficiently

25 Oct 2006

ESA Biosciences Inc., a Magellan Biosciences company, has introduced two new methods for analysis of microdialysis perfusates that will enable neuroscience researchers to achieve greater sensitivity more rapidly and efficiently.

Using ESA’s advanced separation and detection technologies, researchers can now: (1) measure norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5HT) simultaneously with no interference; and (2) measure dopamine and serotonin together in less than four minutes at extremely high sensitivity. Both methods were recently demonstrated at Neuroscience 2006 in Atlanta, Oct. 14-18.

Simultaneous measurement of three monoamines
ESA’s single chromatographic system provides simultaneous quantification of NE, DA and 5HT in a single sample, making more efficient use of each sample and enabling researchers to obtain information about multiple pathways in a single analysis. The unique ESA system also provides a superior method for NE measurement.

According to John Waraska, ESA Director of Marketing, Life Sciences, “Microdialysis users continuously demand greater temporal and spatial resolution in their research. This can be achieved by placing smaller probes into more discrete brain regions, and by increasing the sampling rate. However, the resulting low-volume, and dilute samples can be challenging to analyze, requiring a highly sensitive analytical system. This challenge has now been met by the new ESA method.”

Rapid determination of dopamine and serotonin
The new ESA technology combines high sensitivity and rapid chromatography to reliably measure dopamine and serotonin together in less than four minutes under basal conditions. “The ESA method is virtually measurement at the speed of thought,” said Waraska.

“These methods are relevant for behavioral studies – a significant advantage for researchers,” Waraska added. “They will be of great benefit to any researcher interested in studying the regional interplay of monoamine neutrotransmitters during pharmacological manipulation or behavior.” The two applications are achieved using ESA’s Model 5300 Coulochem III detector.

