Unique C6-Phenyl HPLC Phase With 1.0-12.0 pH Stability

23 Mar 2007

This totally unique, C6-Phenyl HPLC phase employs a 6-carbon alkyl chain linker to attach the phenyl ring to the Twin™ Technology of Gemini™ ultra-pure silica.

Compared to the typical 3-carbon linked Phenylpropyl phases, which are usually plagued by poor lifetimes, the longer carbon chain provides greatly improved stability and reproducibility. The Gemini C6-Phenyl column provides a unique “dual selectivity”, the expected aromatic selectivity of a phenyl phase, as well as the improved hydrophobic retention and excellent general selectivity of a medium-length alkyl phase (C6-C8). Chromatographers can now resolve aromatic compounds over a wide mobile phase pH, from 1.0 to 12.0. Other hallmarks of this new Gemini phase are exceptional stability and low-bleed performance, important for high sensitivity, MS work, and QC applications. Microbore and analytical columns are available in 3 and 5µ media.

Contact your Phenomenex technical consultant today for a FREE column evaluation.

