Uniscan Instruments Introduce a New Cell for Topographic Measurements

29 Mar 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Uniscan Instruments has announced the introduction of the Shallow µTriCellTM for the M370 Scanning Electrochemical Workstation for use in a variety of practical applications including corrosion monitoring, development of electrochemical sensors and the screening of fuel cell materials.

The SECM technique may require topological relief of features in a sample’s surface. The constant-height area scan, where the probe remains at a fixed vertical position above the sample, is not ideally suited to this type of sample with a non-flat surface. To overcome this Uniscan Instruments have developed a constant-distance related technique where the probe is able to track the surface topology of a sample. The combination of the Optical-Surface Profiling (OSP370) technique with the Scanning Electrochemical Microscope (SECM370) allows a user to take a measure of the surface features and relieve the SECM probe’s position during the scan.

With the introduction of OSP-SECM topographical relief capability, the range of electrochemical cell options has been expanded to facilitate these types of experiments with an alternative sample holder that allows greater optical access to the sample surface.

The provision of a quartz window in the cell allows the positioning of the probe to be monitored with the VCAM2 zoom-lens video microscope system.

Uniscan manufactures a wide range of electrochemistry and corrosion measurement instrumentation including multi-channel and portable potentiostats and novel Scanning Electrochemical Workstation systems designed to quantify and map electrochemical reactions in two dimensions.

