Upcoming clinical diagnostics webinars to aid your work

Discover the latest tools and techniques to expand your work in clinical diagnostics with expert-led presentations on high-throughput routine diagnostics, strategies for syndromic testing, point-of-care testing in pediatrics, and much more

16 Jan 2023
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant
Upcoming SelectScience Webinars

SelectScience® hosts dozens of informative free webinars for scientists every month, featuring world-class speakers at the very forefront of their respective fields. In this week’s feature, we will be focusing on webinars that may especially interest those working in the field of clinical diagnostics. If you wish to stay up to date, you won't want to miss these free webinars.

Discover strategies for syndromic testing and antibiotic stewardship, understand the key factors for high-throughput routine diagnosis, and explore the importance of point-of-care testing in pediatrics. Plus, don't miss the opportunity to discover how diagnostics can impact prescribing factors, and much more.

Strategies for syndromic testing and antibiotic stewardship – a critical role for urinalysis and rapid antigen testing

Strategies for syndromic testing and antibiotic stewardship - a critical role for urinalysis and rapid antigen testing

This webinar will explore urinary tract infections and respiratory diseases from the viewpoint of symptom presentation, differential diagnosis, and how diagnosis leads to better treatment and better use of antibiotics. Plus, the expert speakers will discuss how urinalysis and rapid antigen testing at the point of care are key components to an overall strategy for syndromic testing and antibiotic stewardship programs.

Tuesday, February 07, at 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET / 11:00 EST / 08:00 PST

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New on-demand webinar – Enabling successful digital pathology: Key factors for high-throughput routine diagnosis

Enabling successful digital pathology: Key factors for high-throughput routine diagnosisy

There has been widespread adoption of digital pathology in a clinical environment over the past few years. Digital pathology holds many benefits for laboratories and patients including opportunities to drive workflow efficiencies to provide faster turnaround times for patient results, in particular for second opinions and referrals. In order to prepare the laboratory for digital pathology there are several factors that need to be addressed to ensure it is successful. This webinar discusses those key factors in detail, the importance in getting them right first time, showcases the Leica Biosystems Aperio GT 450 DX designed to scale up digital pathology for high-throughput routine diagnosis and how Leica Biosystems can support implementation.

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New on-demand webinar – The importance of point-of-care testing in pediatrics

New on-demand webinar: The importance of point of care testing in pediatrics

Pediatric populations present unique challenges when collecting and processing laboratory samples. Many pediatric areas collect capillary samples, which are prone to clotting. In these areas, it is also important to minimize the amount of blood taken during laboratory sample collection. Point-of-care testing (POCT) can often be a great option to help minimize pre-analytic errors, decrease recollections, and aid in blood conservation. Watch this webinar to discover the benefits of POCT in pediatrics, explore the challenges of collection and testing pediatric specimens, and understand the impact of POCT on the workflow of pediatric settings.

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New on-demand webinar – Antibiotic prescribing dilemmas in the face of increasing resistance: How do diagnostics help?

New on-demand webinar: Antibiotic prescribing dilemmas in the face of increasing resistance: How do diagnostics help?

There are a diminishing number of antibiotics in use today and very few drugs on the horizon. This, combined with the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on infection control practices, has caused an increased need for antibiotic stewardship. In this webinar, experts in antibiotic prescribing discuss their current practices for gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, as well as the most effective antibiotic stewardship practices at their institutions. Watch this webinar to understand how diagnostics can impact prescribing practices today.

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Watch all our clinical diagnostics webinars at a time that suits you

Missed one of our webinars? Fortunately, all SelectScience webinars are made available on demand after the live event. Catch up on some of our latest webinars below:

Respiratory tract infections: Challenges and future perspectives for diagnostic laboratories

Watch here»

Clinical metagenomic sequencing for diagnosis of infections, wastewater surveillance, and outbreak investigation

Watch here»

MDRO diagnostics: The challenges of today and tomorrow

Watch here»

TST or IGRA in healthcare workers: The when and the why

Watch here»

SelectScience runs 10+ webinars a month across various scientific topics, discover more of our upcoming webinars>>

