Upcoming product releases from IDBS - E-WorkBook Suite 8.0, ActivityBase 7.0 and ActivityMart 3.0 - from bench to boardroom

29 Jan 2008

IDBS is proud to announce the upcoming releases of E-WorkBook Suite 8.0, ActivityBase 7.0 and ActivityMart 3.0. The forthcoming releases are to be delivered in early 2008 as part of IDBS' continued commitment to developing and integrating its industry-leading product suites.

ActivityBase is IDBS' flagship product and since its inception has become the industry-standard screening solution, employed by over 75% of the world's leading biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Enhancements to ActivityBase 7.0 include simplified plate creation, time savings in results processing and report generation and support for chemical tautomer searching. Following the success of the ActivityBase Suite, IDBS launched its comprehensive electronic laboratory notebook (ELN), the E-WorkBook Suite, in 2005. The imminent release of E-WorkBook 8.0 will deliver major enhancements in searching and reporting and increased support for chemistry.

ActivityMart drives the decision-making process by providing rapid and intuitive access to complex research data. Integrating data from ActivityBase and BioBook, ActivityMart 3.0 further simplifies the searching of results data by presenting it in an intuitive business context. This solution consolidates the high value summary test data stored in various LIMS, ActivityBase and BioBook databases, retaining rich contextual data. ActivityMart provides a rapid querying tool and is vital when searching high volumes of data.

Neil Kipling, founder and CEO of IDBS, commented: "We are currently doing a lot of ongoing work to improve the integration capabilities of our solutions and our aim for 2008 is to continue to deliver revolutionary products and services to the marketplace. Research organizations need an adequate means of managing their data to meet increasing regulatory requirements. Informatics providers must continue to improve their systems to deal with the magnitude of data generated. The importance of having an integrated framework cannot be under-estimated."

