Upfront Chromatography Launches New Website

12 Sept 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Upfront Chromatography A/S, the world’s leading developer of customised industrial-scale separation services, has announced the launch of its new website. The website has been totally re-designed to make it easier for customers to access relevant information across two distinctive application areas:

  • Biomine - Customised separation services for the isolation of high-value functional proteins from industrial process streams.
  • Bioprocess - Customised cGMP-compliant separation services for isolation of high-quality efficacious biopharmaceuticals.

The company has built a strong reputation as one of the leading providers of separation services for isolation of food ingredients, industrial enzymes, nutraceuticals and healthcare products from industrial process streams. Upfront is currently developing the world’s largest chromatography installation for AVEBE for the extraction of high-quality functional proteins for use in food and healthcare, from the side-stream of potato starch production.

Significant investment by Upfront has led to the development of its Rhobust™ technology for bioprocessing: a significant bottleneck in the biopharmaceutical industry. The technology has been proven to enable recovery of efficacious monoclonal antibodies, therapeutic proteins and other biomolecules directly from blood plasma or bioreactors, up to commercial-scale.

“The new identity and website constitutes an important step forward in the growth of Upfront”, commented Anders Weber, CEO of Upfront Chromatography. “As the Company develops both its technology and markets it is important that we continue to offer our customers the highest level of service with both technical and regulatory support to achieve their separation goals.”

