Virtual 3D configurator: Supporting connectivity between the physical and digital world
Explore Thermo Fisher Scientific's digital tool that allows you to design and test an automated workflow with ease
23 Feb 2022
Strategic discussions on how to embrace automation and digital transformation have consumed the laboratory automation industry and highlighted the need for diverse, capable, and connected solutions.
To support this, Thermo Fisher Scientific has created an online 3D configuration tool that has numerous benefits, bringing physical systems into the digital world. A configurator can help accelerate productive research and automation system deployment supporting system configuration, software simulations, training, and troubleshooting. In this online version, you can get a glimpse into the 3D configuration capabilities Thermo Scientific support. Explore the Thermo Scientific inSPIRE configurable automation platform designing, building, testing, and learning in this virtual environment.
The virtual 3D configurator tool can be used to:
- Design an inSPIRE platform by selecting a preconfigured application or from a list of instruments
- Build the inSPIRE platform you designed and explore its components
- Test a simulated workflow on the inSPIRE platform
- Learn more about automation