Virtual Neuroscience Summit 2021: Poster highlights

Discover the latest research in neuroscience from scientific posters presented at the SelectScience Virtual Neuroscience Summit 2021

21 Oct 2021
Dora Wells
Clinical Content Editor
Virtual Neuroscience Summit 2021: Poster highlights

This year's Virtual Neuroscience Summit saw a range of fascinating and insightful scientific posters presenting the latest research in neuroscience. Explore our top picks below to gain insights on a range of topics, including cusp catastrophe models applied to neurochemistry and behavior, human chronic wasting disease in transgenic mice, the role of fetal ethanol exposure on ribosome biogenesis, and more!

Effect of in utero EtOH exposure on the 18S Ribosomal RNA processing in developing brain, and its contribution to FASD

Effect of fetal EtOH exposure on the 18S ribosomal RNA processing in the developing brain, and its contribution to FASD

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a leading cause of neurodevelopmental disability. This poster, presented by Dr. Nune Darbinian-Sarkissian, clinical-research lab manager at Temple University, summarizes the results of a study into the effects of in utero EtOH exposure on 18S ribosomal RNA processing. Download now to explore novel findings on the role of in utero EtOH exposure on ribosome biogenesis, and contributions to FASD.

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Cusp catastrophe models in neurochemistry & behavior

Cusp catastrophe models in neurochemistry and behavior

In this poster, Peter Riley, senior lecturer of diagnostic imaging and Medical Physics at Deakin University, Australia, describes cusp catastrophe models in neurochemistry and behavior. Download it now to discover how complex behaviors and neurochemical states can be represented by simple, non-linear models.

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Pharmacological comparisons of mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragyine, and mitragynine pseudoindoxyl

Pharmacological comparisons of mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine, and mitragynine pseudoindoxyl

Mitragynine (MG) is the most abundant alkaloid in kratom, which has historically been used as a medication to alleviate pain. In this poster, Jane Hufnagel et al., University of Florida, compare the pharmacodynamics of MG metabolites, 7-Hydroxymitragyine, and pseudoindoxyl. Download now for an insight into their actions at the μ-opioid receptor (MOR) and contributions to the MOR activity of MG.

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Generation of human chronic wasting disease in transgenic mice

Generation of human chronic wasting disease in transgenic mice

Until now, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (i.e. mad cow disease) has been the only animal prion disease considered to be zoonotic. In this poster presented by Zerui Wang, senior research scientist from Case Western Reserve University, Wang et al. explore evidence that elk or deer chronic wasting disease (CWD) prions may have the potential to cross the species barrier into humans. Download now to gain novel insights into the possible transmissibility of CWD to humans and potential clinical phenotypes.

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Association of NGF and mitochondrial dysfunction with autism spectrum disorder

Association of NGF and mitochondrial dysfunction with autism spectrum disorder

Download this poster, as presented by Maria Gevezova from the Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria to explore the novel findings from a study aimed at identifying variations in mitochondrial function and nerve growth factor (NGF) levels between children with autism spectrum disorder and healthy controls.

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Morphological changes in parts of the central nervous system (CNS) and the thymus following demyelination and remyelination

Morphological changes in parts of the central nervous system (CNS) and the thymus following demyelination and remyelination

This poster, presented by Nataliia Melnyk, Institute of Biology and Medicine, Ukraine, describes the morphological changes observed in immune and nervous tissue of rats following demyelination and remyelination. Download now to discover how morphology was affected by experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced demyelination followed by remyelinating β-interferon-1 treatment.

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Want to see more from our Virtual Neuroscience Summit 2021? Click here to discover research from our brilliant lineup of guest speakers, the latest news in neuroscience, and more!

