Visit Horibaville at IBMS and Explore the Future of Pathology
15 Sept 2013
HORIBA UK Ltd, Medical Division, invites delegates to visit Horibaville – HORIBA UK’s interactive virtual town – on stand 119 at the IBMS 2013 congress, Birmingham ICC (23-25 September). Visitors to Horibaville can tour the town to digitally interact with HORIBA’s complete product portfolio and explore the varied applications of its haematology solutions and services in a fun and innovative way. Fun is certainly a core theme for HORIBA at IBMS, where HORIBA’s Technical Manager Mandy Campbell will be presenting on ‘POCT – Joy and fun!’
Delegates visiting the stand will also have the opportunity to explore the new HORIBA interactive laboratory configuration application and can put their blood cell identification skills to the test by taking part in the Quality Slide Program (QSP) challenge.
QSP is a digital cell morphology QC and training program, which publishes 6 digital blood films for download each month. The slides have a pre-classified differential with morphology comments. This pre-classification is verified or amended by the morphology expert or trainer in the laboratory who can ‘set’ slides for review by members of staff at the morphology bench. QSP essentially helps to standardise an areas which can be subjective. The winners of the challenge will be able to have QSP in their lab, free of charge for six months.
In addition to the on-stand activities, delegates can find out how suppliers can help to meet the needs of Point of Care testing in a presentation to be given by HORIBA as part of the IBMS seminar programme. Mandy Campbell, Technical Manager, will be presenting ‘POCT – Joy and fun’ on Wednesday 25th at 11.15 - 12pm in Hall 4.
Further activities include a scientific presentation on a study undertaken by Synergy Health Laboratory Services. A scientific poster will be on display at IBMS, outlining the successful outcome of an evaluation of a point-of-care (POC) full blood count and whole blood CRP comparison of the HORIBA Microsemi CRP analyser. This easy to use analyser demonstrates excellent correlation with routine laboratory methodologies. Delegates attending IBMS can view the study results in the poster hall during the exhibition.
For more information please take a trip to Horibaville at stand 119 during the IBMS Congress.