VLife and CRL Combine the Power of Accurate and Smart Docking Technology with High Performance Cloud Computing

20 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

VLife Sciences Technologies and Computational Research Laboratories (CRL) Limited will be offering Vlife's GRIP docking technology on CRL's high performance computing platform. This combination hopes to reduce the time required to conduct protein - ligand docking studies.

Structure based drug design approach has traditionally been affected by limitations due to either slow or inaccurate docking activity. Researchers rarely could access a solution that was fast while being accurate. With the combination of VLife’s innovative GRIP technology and the computational power of CRL’s supercomputer ‘eka’, researchers can now easily access a one stop solution to improve productivity from their structure based design efforts. With this joint offering, VLife and CRL have reinforced their commitment to address the scientific and technological challenges in the computational discovery domain on the basis of their core strengths.

On this occasion, Supreet Deshpande, Director, VLife Sciences Technologies Pvt. Ltd., said “VLife has been at the forefront of developing innovative computational technologies to reduce time and cost for drug discovery research. Our alliance with CRL to provide accurate yet rapid docking service powered by our GRIP docking technology demonstrates VLife’s commitment to innovators in the area of life sciences in general and pharmaceuticals in particular.”

Dr. Vipin Chaudhary, CEO, CRL, commented “CRL makes very high-end computing available to industries in India and abroad using an on-demand HPC cloud platform. We are delighted to tie up with VLife to bring to scientists the combined power of a high performance computational cluster and a smart and accurate docking technology. We are confident that this combination will offer a long-term competitive advantage to customers using the structure based design approach for discovery research in a variety of industries.”

