Waters Add Quality Control Reference Materials and Certified Containers to their Analytical Standards and Reagents Portfolio
18 Mar 2013
Waters Corporation introduced Quality Control Reference Materials (QCRMs) and Certified Containers to the Analytical Standards and Reagents product group. Specifically designed for Waters® instruments, QCRMs are the simplest and fastest way to understand a chromatography or MS system’s health while ensuring repeatable performances. Waters Certified Containers for solvents and mobile phases are uniquely processed and treated to prevent extraneous peaks and baseline noise.
The Waters QCRM portfolio is a unique collection of standards and mixtures specially formulated and based on the expertise of Waters scientists. QCRMs enable one to evaluate and benchmark their LC or MS system, ensuring repeatable performance each and every time. These ready-to-use standards are made in our ISO 9001, ISO 17025 accredited facility. QCRMs can be used for an impressive number of performance tests on instruments. They range from less complex neutrals mixtures to more complex application-specific standards. All compounds in the portfolio are vigorously evaluated and chosen because they are acceptable for use on a variety of columns with good peak shape in UV and MS. In addition, QCRMs assess hardware, software, mobile phase, column and chemistry issues.
The new Certified Containers help ensure that our customers can produce dependable, consistent and high quality results as easily as possible. Certified Containers can be used on any LC system, including UPLC, LC/UV, and LC/MS. Manufactured to stringent standards, these unique containers prevent extraneous peaks and baseline noise stemming from high TOC, glass chemistry interference, and glass degradation due to glass matrix hydrolytic attack.
“We added Analytical Standards and Reagents to Waters’ competency because they improve the accuracy of measurements. QCRMs and Certified Containers are another significant and innovative step in that direction. By integrating these products, our customers can see improved data acceptance. Furthermore, by eliminating the need to mix and formulate standards and the unknown quality of mobile phase and solvent containers, our customers will have more time for scientific problem solving,” said Mike Yelle, Vice President, Consumable Business Unit.
Waters is committed to laboratories by providing an end-to-end solution - from instruments to consumables to support services. Analytical Standards and Reagents can be seamlessly integrated into the analytical process, providing reliable results from all Waters columns brands. QCRMs and Certified Containers do all this while giving one confidence in the health of their system and increasing productivity by reducing repeat runs.