Waters® Corporation Extends SunFire™ Brand

29 Jan 2006

Waters Corporation today announced new additions to its family of SunFire columns. SunFire C18 and C8 analytical columns packed with 2.5 µm particles are now available.

This new particle allows chromatographers greater efficiency and sensitivity, and provides additional speed and resolution when optimizing existing HPLC analytical methods.

SunFire C18 and C8 reversed-phase silica-based HPLC columns are available in 2.5, 3.5, 5 and 10 µm particle sizes.

The company also announced that SunFire Prep Silica normal phase (NP) columns have been added to the SunFire Prep C18 and C8 columns offerings. The new SunFire Prep Silica columns allow scientists in synthetic and natural products labs to isolate and purify compounds with greater speed due to faster drying steps using normal phase mobile phases. And the Waters patent-pending Optimum Bed Density (OBD™) prep column design, enables highly consistent levels of performance, efficiency and scalability. OBD design combines the influences of hardware, particle characteristics and packed bed densities so that columns deliver outstanding peak shape, excellent low-pH stability, and improved column lifetimes.

The SunFire Prep Silica NP columns are available in 5 and 10 µm particle sizes.

