Waters and Wyatt Collaborate to Advance Polymer Analysis and Biopharmaceutical Characterization Studies

30 May 2017
Lois Manton-O'Byrne
Executive Editor

Waters Corporation has announced that it entered into a Co-Marketing agreement with Wyatt Technology to advance the analysis of synthetic polymers and biotherapeutic proteins. By pairing Waters®ACQUITY® UPLC® and Waters® ACQUITY® Advanced Polymer Chromatography® (APC) Systems with Wyatt’s µDAWN® Multi Angle Light Scattering (MALS) detector, R&D scientists receive higher quality information and data 5x faster than ever before.

SEC separations with high resolution and speed have not always been synonymous. However, the innovative low-dispersion system design of Waters’ UPLC systems combines with solvent agnostic small particle column chemistries to deliver unprecedented high-resolution SEC/GPC separations. The benefits of these high speed/high resolution separations are best realized with low dispersion multi-angle light scattering (MALS) detectors like the Wyatt Technology µDAWN MALS detector. When the systems are coupled, users can determine absolute molecular weights and sizes of polymers, peptides, or proteins directly, without relying solely on column calibration or reference standards.

“Waters takes great pride in collaborating with innovative companies like Wyatt Technology to solve complex molecular characterization challenges. This is an example of two leaders in our respective fields working together to optimize the combination of our respective technologies to help scientists achieve their analytical goals,” said Mike Harrington, Senior Vice President, Global Markets at Waters.

“Whether researchers seek to understand and predict material properties of polymers, or determine the absolute molecular weight and size in the characterization of biologics, this partnership improves the confidence in achieving accurate and reliable results from SEC-MALS experiments.”

“The µDAWN represents a unique detection technology for Waters’ UPLC equipment. Just adding a µDAWN to an ACQUITY APC system enables the customer to obtain absolute molecular weights without relying on tedious—and often inaccurate—column calibration reference standards.

“We’re delighted to be partnering these ‘best in class’ products to improve the accuracy and throughput of our mutual customers,” said Cliff Wyatt, Executive Vice President of Wyatt Technology.

